Issues with software

When registering a new affiliate an error occurs saying: ERROR: Please enter your password twice. There is no
place to enter a password, let alone twice. I have attempted to add the field to the form and that doesn’t work either. I can add password, but not a confirm.

Second when registering a new affiliate do they have to have a user account to sign up, or does Affiliates Pro add
and account upon registration.

I have been fighting with this software since upgrading to pro, and have receive no response on these questions to date.

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One response to “Issues with software”

  1. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi Leona,

    Good morning. Thanks for reaching out and for using Affiliates Pro.

    Can you please provide some more info on the error. Where does the error appear?

    With respect to your second question, you are right, Affiliates Pro creates an account for the affiliate upon signup, with a subscriber role.

    Furthermore, if you don’t mind please send admin logins to your site to eugen [at] itthinx [dot] com. This is to enable me to take a closer look at the configurations.

    While waiting for your response and/or email, I wish you a very productive day ahead. I look forward to helping you resolve this issue.

    Kindest regards,
