Is there a way to automatically apply a discount to customers cart rather than the referrer?

Hi guys,

I have recently bought Affiliates Woocommerce Pro and also Affiliates Pro Paypal (which works better with my other plugins).

My question is:
Is there any addon or integration i can use so that when a customer comes in though the specific affiliate link, a discount is AUTOMATICALLY applied to their shopping cart?

I want the hit/customer coming from the Affiliate link to receive a discount rather than the Affiliate receiving a referral percentage.

Ideally, there would be an option button in each affiliate where it is possible to choose one of two options. And a default option for Affiliates that add themselves.
1. Customer discount – the customer gets a percentage discount AUTOMATICALLY added to their shopping cart if they come through the particular affiliate.
2. Affiliate percentage – the Affiliate gets a percentage of the product price.

Or provide a suggestion about the easiest way you think to do it?



9 responses to “Is there a way to automatically apply a discount to customers cart rather than the referrer?”

  1. brobox Avatar

    We are building our affiliate program and this would be a huge benefit for us as well. We would also use it for after survey discount offers.

    1. Thanks for your input, are there any features you need related to that which have not been considered here yet?

  2. smgehrig Avatar

    That’s great! Thanks.

    1. Hi there,

      Please give the Affiliates Is Referred plugin a try. It’s here: (ZIP download link on top gets you the plugin).

      I’ve created this as an alternative solution that you can apply. To do it exactly as you described can be quite a time-consuming and costly endeavour, so I hope this will give you a solution at no additional cost that you can use.

      This plugin provides two short codes which you can use to conditionally show content. In this case, when an affiliate has referred a visitor, you can show one type of button to add a product to the cart (with discount applied), but when the visitor has not been referred, show a button without a discount.

      Please give it a try and let me know if that’s a solution for now.

  3. smgehrig Avatar

    Yes, thats right. An option by default applied to New affiliates and affiliates that add themselves.

    Correct, the discount applied would be a generic percentage of the shopping cart.


    1. Ok thanks for that, will get back asap on it (emailed you just now as well).

  4. smgehrig Avatar


    If you could write the extension compatible with Affiliates Pro Paypal, that would be great. How much would it cost and how long would it take?

    In regards to “And a default option for Affiliates that add themselves.” I do not mean that they get to choose, but rather that in the back end, I can choose which option is the default. So that if I choose “discounts to be applied”, affiliates that add themselves automatically have option occur with their affiliate link. And if i manually update or upload affiliates, i can choose whether they get “discounts to be applied” or get a “percentage commission”. Does that make sense?

    Many thanks for your response.

    1. Thanks for explaining that, so you would basically require an option applied by default for new affiliates and the ability to change it for individual affiliates, right?

      The discount to be applied would be just a generic percentage on what’s in the cart?

  5. Hi,

    It can be done using a small extension based on the Affiliates plugin API. I can provide a basic extension which you could use, will have to write it first though.

    Regarding the two options below “And a default option for Affiliates that add themselves.” – do you mean they should literally be able to choose whether they want discounts to be applied or get a percentage commission?

    For anyone who might be interested in how this can be done, technically, the


    filter can be used: The idea would be that when the filter is invoked, the discount can be applied to the cart after checking that the affiliate id is valid.

    I’ll follow up with a link to an example/basic extension based on that.
