Integration with terra-/woowallet?

Hello there. I trust, you are very well. Since months i am happily using your affiliate plug-in plus your paid extensions WOOintegration light and Affiliate permanent. I also have decided to use the super nice plug-in TERRA-/WOOWALLET. So whenever it is payday for my affiliates i have to transfer their credit MANUALLY to their TERRA-/WOOWALLET account to let them withdraw the respective balance either per bank transfer or give them the opportunity to spend their balance on our shop.

QUESTION: Is there EITHER an integration with TERRA-/WOOWALLET or something similar delivered with your PRO version (or offered as an add-on), so that my affiliates DIRECTLY and INSTANTLY get their commission as credit, let them either spend it on our shop OR withdraw the balance?

Thank you so much for answering by return, because this is so very important to me.

Have a great time!




One response to “Integration with terra-/woowallet?”

  1. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi there Mycore,

    Good morning and happy new week!

    I trust you are well and safe! Thank you so much for reaching out and for using our Affiliates system.

    With regards to your inquiry, currently, we don’t have an integration for WooWallet that instantly credits affiliates with credits. The only way to handle payments for Affiliates currently is via Totals. You can read more on this here.

    I remain available if you have any further inquiries.

    STAY SAFE and I wish you a very fine and productive day ahead!
