Informations details

Can you explain to me what informations the application displays when I click on

Visites, (thsi one I think I understand)

See screen copy in attached file


One response to “Informations details”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Thierry,

    These indicators have the same usage as in web statistics, the only difference is that for this case we are only interested in the affiliate link.

    Please have a look at the following definitions:
    Renvois: This statistic shows how many times has a referral been recorded for the affiliate. When someone visits your site through an affiliate link and completes a specific action then a Renvois will be recorded. Such actions can be ie a purchase or a form submission.
    Visits: This indicates how many times an affiliate link has been visited.
    Clics: In English this is referred as Hits and indicates how many file requests have been recorded. A site consists of files so whenever a guest visits a site via an affiliate link, a couple of files will requested, such as the index itself, the CSS file, perhaps the menu file, or even photos that might be used in the content etc. Each one of these requests counts as a HIt/Clic.

    Kind regards,
