Info on Rates & shortcodes settings

1) We want to create two refellars for the same order with the woocommerce integration.
the first for a generic rete (like every order on every product shoud create that refellar) and a secoond one at specific product with a specifi rate, but still creatin the generic one, is that possible?

2) We want to set rates to have a <1% rate, we have tryed to set like 0.001 as rate value but it sets itseft to 0 after save, is that possible?

3) we wanted to personalize the notifications short codes like the refellar amount one, that sends the value plus a lot of 0, like 25.000000 EUR, is a bit confusing seeing all that unnecessary zeroes, is that possible? and plus, can we access those short code data outside the notification mail template setting? using like $var = do_shortcode(‘[shortcode]’), do we need to use a specif hook to take that data?

thank you in advance, Giovanni.


3 responses to “Info on Rates & shortcodes settings”

  1. Hi Giovanni,

    In your case you should have a look at Affiliates Products premium addon. With Affiliates Products you can set a specific affiliate per product that will get a commission upon a new sale regardless if a customer has been referred by another affiliate.

    For example, awesome product has been assigned to affiliate named Jack.
    Another affiliate in your system refers a new sale on awesome product, affiliate Jim.
    This will result in two referrals, one for Jack( the commission rate is set in Affiliates Products for that product) and one for Jim( the commission is calculated based on your set rate).
    If awesome product is bought without an affiliate to refer it, Jack will still get a commission.

    Regarding decimals, you need to add the filter I suggested so that the system will allow more than two decimals for rates. The description includes examples on how to use the filter.

    Regarding affiliates_notifications_tokens, you can see an example implementation here. You can use it as a reference to add custom notification tokens.

    If you need further assistance, you can always ask here.

    Kind regards,

  2. Giovanni Avatar

    We have a multi-vendor e-commerce, so there are two kind of agents, the one who adds the vendors, and the one ho adds the customers. the first kind of agent must get a commisstion on registering the vendors (no problem), and one of 0,5% for every order that includes that vendor products. On the other side the customers agent must get a commission for every order that his customer makes, so that’s why we need the “bouble” refellar per order.

    i don’t undestand if the “affiliates_referral_amount_decimals” filter is related on the refellar rates caltulation, on the tab -> RATES.
    for the 0,5% rate we need to set a like 0.005 on the rate value, but that dosen’t work, setting itself to 0 as i said.

    and yes i’m interested for knowing more about the “affiliates_notifications_tokens” filter.

    thanks for the support, Giovanni

  3. Hi Giovanni,

    You can have two different rates aka a generic rate and a product specific rate, but on each referral one will be applied, the rate that meets the conditions set. Each time a referral is recorded, the system will check the rates and apply the one that fits.
    What exactly are you planning in case there is another solution?

    You can modify the decimals by using the filter affiliates_referral_amount_decimals as described in our documentation. You got either the option of the filter or the use of constants in wp-config.php both described in the link I provided.

    Regarding notifications tokens you can use the filter affiliates_notifications_tokens and add a custom token. If you need further help on this filter, don’t hesitate to ask me here.

    Kind regards,
