Indian currency issue in referral.

hello ,i just purchase your enterprise solutions. but we face major issue that in your plugin Indian currency rupee is not added by default. it may crate error while using pay per click or visit or other applications.
plz add this currency by default and help me to fix this.


3 responses to “Indian currency issue in referral.”

  1. chawadi Avatar

    is this code total code? bocz i dont know regarding coding and othors? where it is pasted in function.php ? in last line or where?

    is this total code :::::

    add_filter ( ‘affiliates_supported_currencies’, ‘example_affiliates_new_currency_code’, 1, 1 );
    function example_affiliates_new_currency_code( $currency_code ) {
    $currency_code[] = ‘INR’;

    return $currency_code;

    1. Hi,

      Yes, you can add that at the end of your theme’s functions.php but please use the proper punctuation and syntax:

      add_filter( 'affiliates_supported_currencies', 'affiliates_supported_currencies_inr' );
      function affiliates_supported_currencies_inr( $currencies ) {
          $currencies[] = 'INR';
          return $currencies;


  2. Hi Chawadi,

    You can add any currency manually by adding the following snippet in functions.php of your active theme or create a new plugin with this code.
    add_filter ( ‘affiliates_supported_currencies’, ‘example_affiliates_new_currency_code’, 1, 1 );
    function example_affiliates_new_currency_code( $currency_code ) {
    $currency_code[] = ‘INR’;

    return $currency_code;

    Kind regards,
