Including [affiliates_url] in Registration Notifcations

Hi, I need to be able to include my Affiliates URL in Registration Notifications. I see where I can edit the Notifications, but none of the shortcodes work.

I’ve tried:

But none of them post the shortcode. Any ideas how I can directly tell my Affiliates what their URL is easily?


7 responses to “Including [affiliates_url] in Registration Notifcations”

  1. Ok, thanks for the response!

    1. You’re very welcome Adam, please let us know if you need any further help or have any suggestions.

  2. Hi Kento,

    I’m trying to give the Affiliate their URL that they should be giving to friends/family to get Referrals. I don’t want them to have to login to get that URL if possible.


    1. Hi Adam,

      I understand, but the system doesn’t support that. We provide all the info in the affiliate area so that they have these resources available on the site. I’ll take it as a feature request though, I do see the usefulness of sending the affiliate’s URL in the registration email for example. We will certainly take your request into account, but meanwhile the solution is to point them to your affiliate area.


  3. Hi George, thanks for the reply!

    [affiliate_id] simply prints out in the email as [affiliate_id]….is there any way to make that variable render in the email?

    1. Hi Adam,

      Please see the Notifications section in the documentation for supported tokens in the notification emails. The affiliate ID or URL are not supported for referral notifications, that wouldn’t make much sense anyway because the affiliate would already the affiliate ID and URL before any such notification is sent out.


  4. Hi Adam,

    The first two shortcodes are used in pages when the affiliate is logged in.
    The third will render the referring affiliate’s id, meaning that will render the id of the affiliate that has referred a new user, customer etc.

    You can add the affiliate’s area page in your email message for the affiliates to login and see all the availiable options for them, ie links, html snippets to include etc.

    Kind regards,
