Import Export to Remove from a Group


I just bought the import export addon, and I can’t figure out how to use it to remove people from a group? It doesn’t seem that the plugin updates the group field with what is in the spread sheet, it only adds groups that the user isn’t yet a part of.

Am i missing something?



One response to “Import Export to Remove from a Group”

  1. Hi Dax,

    You could try to import a custom file, like this:
    1) First try to export your users. Keep a backup of that export file.
    2) Edit the export file and delete the line for the site administrator.
    3) Then edit the Groups column. There you can add-remove groups for each of your users.
    4) Remove all users from your site apart from your site administrator.
    5) Enable the option to Create new groups if they do not exist.
    6) Import the file you previously edited.
    7) Check again that your site administrator is a member of all your groups, if not add him accordingly.
    If something went wrong with the previous process, re-import your users from the backup file.

    Alternatively, If you want to remove a user from a group, go to your Dashboard under Users. There, you should select the desired user, Choose group, select Remove from group and click Apply button. A similar process can be done for adding users to groups. After you add new groups manually, you can bulk add your users to the new groups. Also, have a look at the documentation under Bulk actions section.

    Kind regards,
