howto make wp fastest cache and ngnix compatible with Affiliates?

I read:
This is the cache plugin: plugin

i had intensive writing with the cache plugin author:

do not cache the “?dis=2” version and show the uncached version when visit

Please be sure to watch the short screencast video:

?dis=dddh can be used on every page and will attach affiliate dddh to the visitor and then redirect to the page before in the url

So visitor can access pages by
without affiliate attached.

So visitor can access pages by
with affiliate dddh attached.

Thank you to add a tutorial with a solution to: … wp fastest cache


3 responses to “howto make wp fastest cache and ngnix compatible with Affiliates?”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Tobias,

    Both your ideas seem good as long as partial cache exclusion is supported by your caching plugin.
    I would also add to the list the option to exclude from cache the header of your site but still this depends on the caching plugin.

    Kind regards,

  2. Tobias Avatar

    Hello George,

    i use the the affiliate information on every page on top bar and footer.
    i can not exclude all of them, so no caching is working.

    solutions i though of
    show non cached version on active affiliate.
    exclude the part with the shortcode from cache like i can exclude widgets from cache.

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Tobias,

    Thanks for sending the screencast.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but what you’re trying to do is exclude the affiliate cookie from caching and also exclude the page containing the referrer shortcode. I’ve noticed that WP Fastest Cache allows you to indicate page(s) that can be excluded from caching. Would this exclusion allow you to show uncached version of the page where the shortcode is used?

    Kind regards,
