How to uninstall Affiliate User Addon


I had purchased affiliate user to automatically convert registered user to affiliate but I now want to separate the two by making sure user purchase a woocommerce product to become an affiliate.

I know I need to remove the affiliate user addon first, kindly point me to how.

And then when that is done, how do I make a user automatically become an affiliate when they purchase a woocommerce product?


One response to “How to uninstall Affiliate User Addon”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Olufemi, welcome back to our support forum.

    The Affiliates Users plugin can be removed as any other plugin, first you need to deactivate it and then delete it.
    In order to make a customer an affiliate once they buy a specific product on your shop, you need a custom implementation which will check each order placed on your shop and if the specific product is involved then it will create a new affiliate entry for that customer.

    FYI, as it seems your subscription at has expired and you should renew your license in order to be able to get updates for your products and access the support forum. You may renew once you re-buy the products through our Shop.

    Kind regards,
