How to track a referral from a text field on the registration page

I have installed affiliates pro and woocommerce
I want to give my customers the ability upon registration to enter
the affiliate ID if they are not using the affiliates URL

Is this possible? I don’t want to offer something that is not possible.


4 responses to “How to track a referral from a text field on the registration page”

  1. I figured this one out 🙂
    thank you soooooooooooo much this is very important for my project. Many people will have the number and not the URL or the name
    thank you thank you!!

    1. Thanks for the update on that Delbra, I was just going to point you to the Coupons section in reply to your previous comment but it seems you’ve already found it 🙂

  2. I’m sorry but I would need more “instructions”
    check out

    when I look at the affiliate profile, there isn’t an option for affiliate or “coupon code”

    so how do I create a product (what value would it have)
    then associate it to the affiliate
    so that upon check out, the same amount is applied to the order
    but the affiliate receives the commission


  3. Hi,
    you could create a woocommerce coupon and assign as attribute to the affiliate. So when the user uses the coupon in an order then the affiliate get a commission.
