How to set 0.5 commission across all Woo Commerce products

In the Woo Commerce integration, you say:

Important : Note that you must choose the Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates method under Affiliates > Setup for product rates to be applied in general, or specify that method as an attribute for individual affiliates – otherwise the product rates will not apply.

There is no “Setup” option that I see under “Affiliates”

Where do I find this setting: “Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates”

Can’t I just set a global 0.50 product rate without having to set it on every product?




4 responses to “How to set 0.5 commission across all Woo Commerce products”

  1. Awesome. Thank you!

  2. Hey Antonio,

    Nowhere do I see “Refferal amount method” or “Affiliates_WC_method::product_rate”

    This is what I see on Affiliates > Settings

    Are the settings I made correct?



    1. Hi,
      in “Deafult referral calculation” you must have “Referral amount method”. Once selected, click “Save”, then you can select in “Affiliates_WC_method::product_rate” in “Default referral calculation value”.
      Be sure you have selected “Enable product referral rates” on Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration.

  3. Hi,
    under Affiliates->Settings:
    1.- select “Referral amount method”
    2.- click “save”
    3.- Select “Affiliates_WC_method::product_rate”

    On Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration you can set “Default rate”.

