How to bypass restriction

Hi, I booth the restrictions categories and works perfectly. But due to some requirements I need to bypass this logic in some scenarios (incoming ip, code in the url o stuff like that). Is there any method that allows me to bypass the restrictions? That way I could validate this rare scenarios and if positive I could autoassing the group or disable the group restrictions? This would be for guest users.


One response to “How to bypass restriction”

  1. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi Roberto,

    Happy mid-week. I trust you are well and safe!

    Thank you so much, for choosing and using Groups and its extensions. It brings us great joy to know you are using our tools.

    Currently, there isn’t a way to bypass an already restricted item, for guests.

    I remain available if you have any further inquiries.

    STAY SAFE and I wish you a very fine and productive day ahead!
