How do I fix Groups to play with WP-Admin slug


Hi, I am using the WP-Admin slug setting in my WP install to help obfuscate the WP-Login.php.

This breaks the Groups Paypal plugin, so a user cannot login or register when they click the Subscribe button.

Any tips?


11 responses to “How do I fix Groups to play with WP-Admin slug”

  1. Hi Ian,

    Yes if you use ` for the group name instead of ‘ it won’t work.

    Correct, the shortcode can also be used if you want to restrict some/all the content inside a page/post.

    I’m glad you got it working.


  2. Nevermind, I found the problem. When I pasted in the code, I replaced ‘Simple User’ with ‘Paid’ but it used the wrong quote marks.

  3. BTW this code is working fine on an Info test page so I have the right Capitalization etc on the Group Name.

    Are we seeing the Group we care about

    [groups_member group="Paid"] Only PAID members can see this.[/groups_member]

  4. Thank you for providing the login hooks.

    The Admin and other users redirects work, but it does not seem to like the Group info.

    I replaced “Simple Users’ with ‘Paid’ but it does not redirect or seem to see that Group correctly.

    I can send you my actual pasted function if you like.


  5. Hi Ian,

    Sure i have prepared a hook into login_redirect. Please have a look here and put it in your child theme’s functions.php file.

    For the default redirect, use the page where not-members should be redirected and
    for the members use the group of your choice and the desired page id where they should be redirected.

    Hope it helps.

  6. Just wanted to see if you had a chance to look at the login hooks or if you could give me some guidance on how to get Groups / Subscription to change roles so I can try Peter’s login redirect?



  7. Oh i see, i didn’t realise that because hc-custom-wp-admin-url didn’t work properly in my installation.

    You can use peters login redirect, if you change your paid members to a different role other than subscribers for example.

    Another solution would be to make a custom function by using either wp_login or login_redirect hooks, which is what i’m working on. I will let you know when i have a working sample on this.


  8. So that plugin is OK, but it does not HIDE /login or wp-login.php it just redirects then to the new URL which does not help against brute force attacks.

    It looks like iTheme Security will work I will let you know if I run into trouble.

    I do have a new need and wanted to see if you had any tips.

    I need conditional redirection

    1 -if Administrator, go to dashboard
    2 -if not a member of the Paid group the go to Subscription
    3- if member of paid go to blog URL

    I looked at peters login redirect, but can not figure out how to implement #2

  9. Thanks Ian.

    I’ve tried hc-custom-wp-admin-url and on installation it gives me a Notice of an undefined index. Added to the fact that it is still not compatible/tested with WP 4.2.4 i wouldn’t recommend, at least for the time being. I found another plugin called Custom Login URL, which is compatible with WP and Groups and seems to do the job pretty fine.

    I think you should give it a try and hope it covers your configuration.


  10. hc-custom-wp-admin-url

    I think the issue is in class-groups-paypal-shortcodes.php

    Line $register_link = apply_filters( ‘register’, site_url( sprintf( ‘wp-login.php?action=register&redirect_to=%s’, urlencode( $redirect_to ) ), ‘login’ ) );
    I think replacing wp-login.php with my slug would work there.

    However, I have no idea how I would change the $output .= wp_login_form( array( ‘echo’ => false ) ); line

    I am not tied to the WP-Admin Slug if you can recommend another way to protect my login panels from brute force.
    I have a couple WP sites on this dedicated server, and have been hit in the past.


  11. Hi Ian,

    Which plugin are you using for the wp-admin slug? I want to try it on my test installation to work out a solution.

    Kind regards,
