How can I get rid of this error message ?



I just removed “Widgets Control Pro and itthinx plugins.
I had to remove due to WSOD.
Now… I just can’t get rid of this annoying error message in my backend:
“The plugin widgets-control-pro/widgets-control-pro.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.”

How can I get rid this error message ?

Kind Regards,


3 responses to “How can I get rid of this error message ?”

  1. That’s great Yves, thanks for the follow-up.
    I haven’t tried Breakdance Builder yet, but sounds interesting.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi George,

    Finally found out that “Widgets Control Pro” is conflicting with the “Widgets on Pages” plugin:

    I first had to remove “Widgets on Pages” plugin and only then I could remove “Widgets Control Pro” and “itthinx”.

    Since I started working with “Breakdance Builder”, this awesome builder allows me to set custom conditions to show or hide any widget.

    Kind Regards,

  3. Hi Yves,

    Welcome to our support forum.

    Such error messages are generated by the WordPress core, when a plugin entry is present in the list of activated plugins stored in the database but the plugin files or folder has been manually removed. Normally the message will disappear after a page refresh, but since it persists in your case, then it would be better if you purge your cache contents. This includes the contents of a possible cache plugin you might be using or even a caching feature running directly from your hosting server.

    As for the WSOD you got while Widgets Control Pro plugin was still present, if you can share a copy of your debug.log when the error occurred, please let me know.

    Kind regards,
