how can I change the text “affiliate URL”

how can I change the text “affiliate URL” in the generate URL shortcode? We want to call our affiliates ambassadors so I need to change this. Please advise.

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6 responses to “how can I change the text “affiliate URL””

  1. Carolyn Avatar

    I changed it from [affiliates_generate_url] to [ambassadors_generate_url] and that did not work. The boxes to enter the info disappeared. to be clear, I am only trying to change the default text above the field. Can you please help me?

    1. antonio Avatar

      [ambassadors_generate_url] shortcode doesn’t exist.
      If you want to change the ‘Affiliate URL’ text ( ), you can do it translating your .po file in affiliates-pro/lib/ext/languages using poedit.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Carolyn Avatar

    so change it from [affiliates_generate_url] to [ambassadors_generate_url] will that work?

  3. Carolyn Avatar

    I looked at the page but it just looks like how to insert the shortcode. I want to know how to change the text from “Affiliate URL” to “Ambassador URL”. If I change the shortcode text itself will it still work properly? so change it from [affiliates_generate_url] to [ambassadors_generate_url] will that work?

    1. antonio Avatar

      You need to edit your affiliate-area page (from Pages->All Pages). Editing this page you can edit the text or use the shortcode.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. antonio Avatar

    Hi Carolyn,
    Please have a look to the [affiliates_url] shortcode documentation page.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
