Homepage URL incorrect when Affiliates by Name used


Without wrapping my URL [affiliates_url] the Homepage opened by the Affiliate URL is correct.

Once I wrap the URL [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_url][/affiliates_by_username] the Home Page opened changes to my Blog page (which is NOT my site Home page).

If I manually type in the ID Number where the User Name appears in the URL, the correct Home Page appears.

Apart from de-activating the Affiliates By Name Plug-in, what can I do?




One response to “Homepage URL incorrect when Affiliates by Name used”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Peter,

    The links rendered by both shortcodes are the same? What i mean is, when you visit the page containing these shortcodes, the links rendered are the same? When you use the second link, you are redirected to your Blog page, or does it open right after clicking the link.
    Please try using the shortcode [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link][/affiliates_by_username] as well and see if all the rendered links match.

    Kind regards,
