Hide the banner page


Hi, my client doesn’t want the customers on his site to know about the affiliate program. Is there a way to hide this from them and make banners etc. or have a page that is hidden from search engines that they could go to?I’m still figuring this software out, but that’s what I need to do.



7 responses to “Hide the banner page”

  1. I have the checkout set so that customers must create an account.

    Will the affiliate continue getting referrals forever as long as the customer comes back and makes more purchases? Or just for the 30 days?


    1. Hi Jack,
      in Affiliates->Settings:Referrals you can set the cookies timeout.
      If you need to link that referrer with their affiliates forever, please have a look at Affiliates Permanent plugin.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. I found where to show the referral link like this: http://website.com/?affiliates=2

    But when I check the hits after clicking on it, and I click on a new page after visiting the first page it doesn’t track my clicks in the site.

    How can I set it so that the referral is made for anything that the person clicks on in the site? Not just the first page that they land on?


    1. Hi Jack,
      visits & hits record the pages directly visited by the user using the affiliate’s link. But once the user visits the ‘first’ page, he can visit other pages and the referral will be created when he purchases anything.
      If you need to share an specific page, you can use the render=”code” attribute (using directly html, ex. <a href="http://www.mydomain.com/my-product-page/?affiliates=2">Buy my product</a> )
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. Thanks, but then how do I add a banner to an external website?

    When I made a banner it says this: Use this shortcode to embed the banner: [affiliates_banner id="6029"]

    I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to put a banner in a website and have it linked to the affiliate. Is there a code that I need to give the affiliate? Where would I find that?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Jack,
      if you use the render=”code” attribute, you can see the html code to share.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. Hi Jack,
    Sure, you only need to delete the affiliates-area page. The affiliate program continue running, but your customers can not access it from the web.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
