Hi, question about affiliate ID


Remember I had the problem with the Database entry.
Anyway it is working now. Since I deactivate and reactivate the Plugin everything is working fine. But I already had 2 afiiliates.
and the data is lost. One of these affiliates signed up again, but he problem is: this person has now the affiliate ID=2 and it was ID=9 before.
This person shared a lot on twitter. Is there away that I can give this person the ID= 9 again ?

Norman from www.kawaii.com

Posted in


10 responses to “Hi, question about affiliate ID”

  1. ok. i will do that.

  2. but somehow I still have a ID problem. I can’t give the user the ID.
    Is there a way you can look in to it and change the user id for me in the database ?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Norman,
      you can send us the access data to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look at it. (Please make a full backup before)
      Antonio B.

  3. oh i am stupid. of course in my case wp_ is u5sbqr_

  4. If I enter this code it doesn’t work:

    UPDATE `wp_aff_affiliates` SET `affiliate_id`=9 WHERE `affiliate_id`=2
    UPDATE `wp_aff_affiliates_users` SET `affiliate_id`=9 WHERE `affiliate_id`=2
    UPDATE `wp_aff_referrals` SET `affiliate_id`=9 WHERE `affiliate_id`=2

    question is it wrong to do all 3 line at the same time ?
    question 2 are you really sure that this apostroph is correct ? why is it not working ?

  5. hi antonio are you sure the Apostroph is like that ` or like that ‘

    1. antonio Avatar

      You can use apostroph in sql sentences.

  6. Antonio,
    I only want to change the ID of this user from =2 to =9
    can you write me the exact command that I have to run for that please?

    1. antonio Avatar

      if you have access to your database, you can use:
      UPDATE `wp_aff_affiliates` SET `affiliate_id`=9 WHERE `affiliate_id`=2
      UPDATE `wp_aff_affiliates_users` SET `affiliate_id`=9 WHERE `affiliate_id`=2
      UPDATE `wp_aff_referrals` SET `affiliate_id`=9 WHERE `affiliate_id`=2

      Another option is:
      – Remove your affiliate
      – Create ‘test’ affiliates until ID 8
      – Then create your correct affiliate with ID = 9
      Antonio B.

  7. antonio Avatar

    Hi Norman,
    you could change the ‘affiliate_id’ in the database (table wp_aff_affiliates). If this affiliate has referrals, you should update them in wp_aff_referrals.
    Be sure to make a full backup before.
    Antonio B.
