Groups Paypal

I purchased Groups PayPaI because It included Sbscriptions. I am building a site similar to Etsy. Is there a way to deny/stop a vendor from accessing their shop, or dashboard if they are no longer paying for their subscription? If so can someone please give me the steps to do so…I am not a developer (but I am getting more comfortable with all the plugins).

Thank you in advance,
Sidney Muniz

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11 responses to “Groups Paypal”

  1. sidney Avatar

    Hello Antonio,

    I guess my bigger question is … there a way to block a registered user from being able to log into there account if the have not paid their subscription. That way they can not access anything…. ex: like their shop/ their dashboard/ their products etc.


    1. antonio Avatar

      You could use the subscriptions to join/leave to/from the ‘Registered’ group, but if an user leaves the Registered group, then he could not logging in to renew the subscription. So it’s not a good idea.
      I think the best option is create a GroupA. Limits the pages (shops, products…) to this GroupA. Then with the subscription the users can join/leave this GroupA.

      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. sidney Avatar

    I apologize but I still don’t see how the subscription will end if payment is not received. I can’t figure it out and the [groups_paypal_subscription id=”x”] does nothing for me!.

    I wish you would have a specific you tube video on the process you told me to take…because it’s not working. Very disappointed.

    1. antonio Avatar

      in Groups->Subscriptions, you have a table with all your subscriptions. In this table, you have a ‘status’ column where you can see if the subscription is active or not. If this is not active is because the user has not renewed it.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. sidney Avatar

    Ok, so I put the [groups_paypal_subscription id=”x”] in the text area of the page? The “x” stays “x”??


    1. antonio Avatar

      the X is the subscription’s ID (you can get this from Subscriptions->All Subscriptions.
      Please have a look at the shortcode documentation page.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. sidney Avatar

    Is their a way someone could walk through one example and then I can do the rest?? I will pay for the time….

    Setup Group and capabilities, Subscription with fee etc.

    Thank you in advance,

    Sidney Muniz

    1. antonio Avatar

      please have a look at the documentation page.
      The process is:
      – Create the groups that you need from Groups->Groups
      – Set the Paypal settings from Groups->Paypal
      – Set the Subscriptions settings from Groups->Subscription settings.
      – Create a Subscription from Subscriptions->Add New.
      – Set the ‘join to the subscription’ button in a page using the [groups_paypal_subscription id=”x”] shortcode.
      . Then you can see the subscribers from Groups->Subscriptions

      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. antonio Avatar

    Hi Sidney,
    When a user fails to pay for a subscription then ceases to belong to the groups of this subscription. So you can restrict your pages that is only accessible if you belong to that group.
    Please have a look at the Groups Subscription and Groups Paypal documentation pages.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.

    1. sidney Avatar

      how do I know when someone has stopped paying fora subscription??

      1. antonio Avatar

        you can see the subscribers status from Groups->Subscriptions.
        Kind regards,
        Antonio B.
