Groups illegal offset type

I’m getting the following error for the Groups plugin:

Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/domain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/admin/class-groups-admin-posts.php on line 561

Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/domain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/admin/class-groups-admin-posts.php on line 532

It looks like it’s talking about an array/string error but can’t see what I need to adjust.

These are the content for both lines in question:

if ( !isset( $post_types_option[$post_type][’add_meta_box’] ) || $post_types_option[$post_type][’add_meta_box’] ) {



5 responses to “Groups illegal offset type”

  1. Sure, the setting are below.

    Administrator Access Override: Off
    Post types: All On
    User profiles: Off
    Tree view: Off
    Permissions: Administrator all ticked, everyone else all off
    Deactivation and data persistence: Off
    Legacy Settings: On
    Capabilities: group_read_post

    I’m setting up WooCommerce product and page restrictions, using three groups, one admin account and two test accounts. All access and permissions work as expected and have only noticed the warnings now.

    It may only be affecting regular WordPress posts and not other pages/products. The number of warnings coincides with the number of posts I have.

    1. Thanks,
      Sorry I can not replicate this.
      Please try this from Groups->Options:
      1.- Deselect all post types, and Save.
      2.- Re-select all post types and Save.
      Antonio B.

      1. Hi Antonio,

        I found the issue, which was a conflict with another plugin, nothing wrong groups.
        The plugin in question was the WP Ultimate Recipe.


        1. antonio Avatar

          Perfect, thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Jeremy,
    I’m trying to recreate the problem, but I can not.
    Please give me your Groups->Options settings and what were you doing when this warning was added.
    Antonio B.
