Groups Forums Problem

If I open the Forumlist, select A forum, i have one topic in that forum – its redirect me to the topic and dont find any content

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whats happening ? i can’t open the topic directly

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13 responses to “Groups Forums Problem”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Kevin,

    FYI, I will mark this topic as resolved but if further assistance is needed with the templates or the plugin in general, you may submit a new topic and address myself directly.

    Kind regards,

  2. George Avatar

    Hey Kevin,

    That’s good the template seems to be more in order now.
    Although I don’t see the “Edit this topic”, I’m checking it again because as it appears Divi requires a special treatment regarding it’s templates and the overrides we need for Groups Forums, including the new reply section. I’ll update the templates accordingly and let you know.

    By default the topics can be assigned to members of the Assignee group, so that one of them can handle the topic. The assignment can be either automatic or manual so that these members can take over the submitted request. Does this help you with your use case?

    Kind regards,

    1. Kevin Fromm Avatar
      Kevin Fromm

      Hey George,

      please let me know if you done with the template.

      You just see “Edit that Topic” if you are the one who create that. But its just text not a real editing link.

      Assignee group is probably not the solution…. I want that the new default restrictiongroup of the Topic is registred. So that just members in that group can see and answer to it

  3. George Avatar

    Hey Kevin,

    FYI, the templates I sent you are not in place. Did you add the groups-forums folder under your divi-child theme? These templates are necessary to display the forum structure properly.

    Kind regards,

    1. Kevin Fromm Avatar
      Kevin Fromm

      I put them in the folderpath you told me…


      I install the Plugin WP-Dateimanager. You have the login details. Check the folderpath out.

    2. Kevin Fromm Avatar
      Kevin Fromm

      Hey George,
      now i moved the Files to the right folder…

      next problems:
      – if you open
      there is written an the text “Edit this topic” DIRECTLY behind the Topic description without any editing link

      – why isnt it possible to answer that topic? its just public no restrictions

      – is it possible to set a new topic (written on the frontend) to a speccific group for default?

  4. George Avatar

    Hey Kevin,

    Actually the only action required was to add the folder including the template files under your theme folder. Let me have another look at your Dashboard and will keep you posted.

    Kind regards,

  5. George Avatar

    Hey Kevin,

    FYI, I’ve prepared two template files you can use for Groups Forums that are compatible with Divi theme and sent them to the email address you used here during checkout. The contents of the zip file I’ve sent you should be placed within your theme’s folder, so the path would be


    These template files will be responsible for displaying the forums and topics properly.
    If you notice anything unusual, please add a comment here.

    Kind regards,

    1. Kevin Fromm Avatar
      Kevin Fromm

      Hey George,

      I’ve uploaded both files to that path. No changes – did i have to set somnthing up for that?

  6. George Avatar

    Hey Kevin,

    Following up on this, it seems that not only the topic under a forum are not visible, but also that the template itself seems to be broken, which I’m currently checking why it occurs when using Divi.
    Once I have an update on this matter, I’ll keep you posted.

    Kind regards,

  7. George Avatar

    Hey Kevin,

    Thanks for the follow-up on this. Did you visit Settings > Permalinks so that the permalink options are updated? Just visiting this area will be enough for the links structure to update.

    If you already tried that but still get the NOT-FOUND message, can we have a look at your setup? You may send us temp admin access to george at itthinx dot com and also make sure to enable WP debugging in case there are issues logged related to your setup which you are still not aware of.

    To enable debugging, edit your wp-config.php file and replace this line: 

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );

    with these lines:

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );

    All messages will be stored in wp-content/debug.log file.


  8. Kevin Fromm Avatar
    Kevin Fromm

    Just giving the forum the permission to just registred

    Everone can read – no read access restrictions

    Groups ver: Version 2.10.0
    Groups Forums ver: Version 1.6.3

  9. George Avatar

    Hi Kevin,

    Many thanks for using Groups and its addons on your site, we appreciate it.

    If you visit the topics list on the back-end or edit the aforementioned topic, are there any read access restrictions set for specific group(s) assigned at the moment?
    Also, what is the version of Groups, Groups Forums plugins currently installed on your system?

    Kind regards,
