Groups Assigning Random Group to User

When a new user is created, I always get “Registered” which is fine, but then I get random groups assigned to the user upon creation as well. I’ve tried disabling all plugin and changing the theme, but I still get random groups.


6 responses to “Groups Assigning Random Group to User”

  1. George Avatar

    If it’s possible, try to repeat the test to a brand new WP installation and a brand new Groups installation.


  2. This definitely seems like a plugin bug. I moved the database over to a new install, so no scripts running (same database though) and I still get the same issue.

  3. I’ve tried that too, and it didn’t work. No hooks, I setup TwentySeventeen without any edits. I have about 250 groups and 4000 users, so I can wipe the data and start over without serious repercussions.

  4. George Avatar

    You are welcome Ryan.

    Unless you are using any custom hook function that might interfere with the process, i would suggest you to uninstall-reinstall Groups plugin.


  5. Thanks George. I don’t get any errors when all plugins (except Groups) are disabled and the theme is TwentySeventeen.

    It is assigning real groups, but they aren’t consistently the same.

    I appreciate your help.

  6. George Avatar

    Hi Ryan,

    Your users get assigned to existing groups or non-existing?
    Please enable debugging and then add a new user, in case there is something logged during registration.
    To enable debugging, edit your wp-config file and replace the following line:
    define('WP_DEBUG', false);
    with these lines:
    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

    Finally create a new file named debug.log under your wp-content folder.
