Group does not Validate at Login



I need assistance with Groups. Groups doesn’t not seem to validate at each user login.

For example:

User ‘JOHN’ logs-in and see his permitted products A and B, then User JANE log-ins and only see her permitted product A and not product C as permitted.

Upon our testing. Jane was able to see product A only because the first login John, had permission to see Category A, otherwise Jane would not have seen Product A either.

Please advise a fix. Please note all our plugins are current and updated.


One response to “Group does not Validate at Login”

  1. Hi Ryan,

    Welcome to our support forum for Groups plugin.
    Based on your description, my first impression is that the behaviour is cache-related and your cache affects the current user. As far as Groups is concerned, the user is not validated at login by Groups because it is not necessary. Instead what Groups does is to check if the current user is a member of the group(s) used to restrict a post or post-type, when the user is trying to access the restricted post, post-type.
    I think you should check and temporary disable your cache, before repeating your tests. Also, make sure to enable WP debugging and share with us a copy of your debug.log file.

    Last but not least if your restrictions are applied in product category level, then your installation of Groups Restrict Categories plugin is outdated, simply because your license has expired since Sept, 2022. You can renew this license by purchasing the plugin here, which then will allow you to update to the latest version and give you access to the dedicated support forum for the plugin.

    Kind regards,
