Gravity Forms only creates refferal with direct Link


I use Affiliates Pro Version 2.18.1 together with Affiliates Events Manager Version 1.0.1 and Affiliates Gravity Forms Integration Version 1.2.4 on my website

When someone uses a partner-link (i.e. which is my test-partner) bookings in Events Manager are credited as refferal. With Evebts Manager all works perfect.

I als use Gravity Forms for an order form on following page:
When someone (coming by submits the form, no refferals are created.

Only when I sende directly to refferals are created.

Cookies are stored, and Event Bookings of coure also works correct after closing the browser and coming back to the site later!

Many thanks for Your support!

Kind regards from Vienna

Posted in


23 responses to “Gravity Forms only creates refferal with direct Link”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Rudolf,

    I’m already looking at it.
    Once i have an update, i will notify you.


  2. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    many thanks for Your suggestions!

    But with this settis, it´s not possible anymore o log into the site (except I remove the line to set the SITECOOKIEPATH !!! – But as soon I remove, the refferals are not working.

    Anyway it´s strange because the Events Manager Exesnsion works corrct an my site (and also the demo site).

    Could You please have look in again?

    Many thanks!


  3. George Avatar

    Hi Rudolf,

    I found the solution.
    At the moment the test installation is working as it should.

    To be more specific, there was an issue with redirects on your installation. If we used plain permalinks under Settings > Permalinks, the Dashboard was only accessible using the full path in the URL, This didn’t happen if we used another option in permalinks like Post option for example.

    All these facts lead to the conclusion that there is an issue with redirects which has been fixed with a few lines in your .htaccess file. The lines i’ve added, let you access your site by using only the domain, without the need to add the subfolder, ‘/wordpress’ at the end of it. Your site now is normally accessible either you choose Plain or Post permalinks, simply by clicking

    The redirect issue resulted also in the cookie issue. The affiliate cookie was set with ‘/wordpress’ $path option, while the site resided on ‘/’. This was fixed by setting the SITECOOKIEPATH constant on wp-config.php file. For more info on setcookie, you can check the php documentation page.

    Besides that, there was a warning on debug.log for a missing file named index.php. This file was placed one level above which resulted on this warning.

    In short, below you can find the solutions i used.
    These lines were added to your .htaccess file:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wordpress
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /wordpress/$1 [L]

    This line goes to your wp-config.php file to set the SITECOOKIEPATH:

    define( 'SITECOOKIEPATH', '/' );

    When you add the first block, please make sure to modify the domain on the second line and the folder name on the last line.
    Regarding the second block, simply copy paste the line on your wp-config.php file right after the lines that enable debugging.

    If though you don’t feel comfortable making those modifications yourself, i can do them for you on your live site.

    Kind regards,

  4. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    could You find something?

    Best regards

  5. George Avatar

    Hi Rudolf,

    Thanks a lot for your cooperation, i’m still investigating your issue.


  6. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,
    I just sent you an email with the login credentials for (FTP, MySQL admin and Control Panel).
    So you could inspect deeper if necessary.
    Many thanks

  7. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George, is up. I just checked it from my mobile.

    Do you need the FTP and MySQl credentials for Or could I just give you control panel access?

    For demo I have changed because I had to give to someone else and they are not shown in plain text. So to get it I have changed. Do you also need for again?

    On I have just setup WordPress (no special setup, the only thing is It’s installed in the directory /wordpress/) and just installed Gravity and Affiliates Pro. It’s total new installation.

    As I told you, on the other site it works with Events Manager manager. So the cookie should be accessible anyway.

    On there are no other plugins. On demo I use iThemes Security. But as mentioned before that has no influence tor Affiliates Pro to work correct with Events Manager Integration.

    Many thanks once more.

    Best regards

  8. George Avatar

    Hi Rudolf,

    It seems that your hosting service is not accessible, neither by ftp nor by http. Also, the same applies for mysqladmin. Please have a look again at the credentials you sent me in case they are wrong.
    Also, in case you remember, do you use any custom made .htaccess file in your installations? This might be the reason why the cookie is not found and as a result the referral is only recorded through a direct visit to the page containing the Gravity Form.


  9. George Avatar

    Hi Rudolf,

    Thanks for that, i will setup my password on the new test site and do some tests there too. Usually FTP access is not needed but if it’s necessary, i will ask you.


  10. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    I have setup another test-site from scratch. Just Gravity Forms and Affiliate Pro. The behaviour is the same, too!!!!
    I all ready have sent admin access to your email and activated debug mode.

    Do you need FTP, database or control pannel access for this site?

    You can do al You want to do, it’s just setup for testing from your side … 🙂

    Demo I have disabled debug mode, with this the site is working again. So You don’t have to do anything.. My team needs the site tomorrow for testing the EM PayPal Gateway.

    Many thanks

  11. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    I just sent an email to george at itthinx dot com with MySQl and FTP credentials.

    I am out and have no access, but will see if you respond on my mobile.


  12. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    sorry, I am not familiar with this at all.

    What can we do?

    Best regards

  13. George Avatar

    Hi Rudolf,

    Seems that if i disable some plugins and/or switch to a different theme, breaks the site. Atm the Dashboard is not accessible because of that. All the plugins should be disabled through the database so that we can proceed.
    If you are familiar with MySQL and queries you should run the following query in order to disable all the plugins and make the Dashboard accessible again.
    Take a full backup of your database and site files and proceed.

    After visiting phpMyAdmin in your hosting account run this query in the database of your Test installation.
    The query is this:
    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value= 'a:0:{}' WHERE option_name like 'active_plugins'

    Please note that wp is the general table prefix. There you should use your own table prefix. For example if your WordPress installation is using sp as table prefix, then you should use this query:
    UPDATE sp_options SET option_value= 'a:0:{}' WHERE option_name like 'active_plugins'.

    After that, keep a copy of the debug.log file, delete it and then create it again. When this file gets filled up with data, it is not accessible.

    If you are not familiar with anything on this process, please let me know.


  14. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    I have seen that you did some testing some hours ago.
    Did you get any results?

    Do you still want me to have drugging mode on or can I go back and also enable the plugins again?

    Many thanks

  15. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    many thanks for testing.

    I just enabled debugging.

    Best regards

  16. George Avatar

    Thanks for providing access.

    I’ve already made several tests but still get the same results like you.
    Could you also please enable debugging as well?
    To enable debugging, edit your wp-config file and replace the following line:
    define('WP_DEBUG', false);
    with these lines:
    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

    Finally create a new file named debug.log under your wp-content folder.


  17. George Avatar

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Can i have temp admin access to your testsite?
    You can send the credentials to george at itthinx dot com


  18. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    I´ve set up a new form on my testsite – the same, too.
    When I add the partner-link ?partner=4 and use directly, a refferal is created.

    But when I only go to and come back later no refferal is created with the Form. But with Events Manager it works. I´ve setup 60 days.

    Affiliates integration option should be correct in the form settings, because when linking directly a refferal is created.

    I also tried a different theme, change the site langua to English, disable different plugins …

    By the way, when a refferal is created (from, the status is rejected until it´s paid. But in the sttings (and also for Events Manager) is pending …!?

    Many thanks once again

  19. George Avatar

    Try this please Rudolf:

    Have a look on your form’s settings in case the Affiliates integration option has been disabled after GF update. Also, check if a referral amount or rate has been set for this form.
    Besides that, please create a new test form, with one or two fields, without a payment field, enable the Affiliates integration, add a referral amount and then try to refer a new visitor to submit the form. Check if this, results in a referral.


  20. George Avatar

    Thanks for your info Rudolf.

    I will make some tests on my installation and let you know.


  21. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    I forgot to tell You, it was working before. What I´ve changed is, that I updated Gravity Forms. Now I use Version 2.2.2. And I use Stripe instead of and PayPal but this Gateway shouldn´t have an effect, becaus also for Offline-Payment not refferal is created.
    Also the theme has changed,
    As I mentioned before, Events Manager works fine on the same site.

    Many thanks for Your support once again.

    Best regards

  22. Rudolf Avatar

    Hi George,

    no I don´t use WP MS. For I only use a differen design template.
    It´s the checkout page for another Domain (, as You have seen. And I wan´t only to create a refferal if the visitor was on because to this sites my affiliates send the customers.

    All is under

    But also if I use the standard design the behavior is the same, See for example it´s the same form

    Many thanks!


  23. George Avatar

    Hi Rudolf,

    How is your site structured? Do you use WordPress MS?
    I have noticed another domain, i suppose another WP installation.

    Kind regards,
