Graphs not displaying

Hello, I’m trying to setup Affiliates Pro with Woocommerce; I entered the shortcode for the graphs on the affiliate page but all I see is a blank space where the graph is supposed to be. I entered this:
[affiliates_affiliate_graph interval=”month”]

You can test it out by logging in here:
user: somebody
password: 123456


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9 responses to “Graphs not displaying”

  1. I can’t get the graph to work. When I check Sources in Chrome Inspect Element I see a js error “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL”.

    I’ve tried deactivating other plugins and all scripts but the error is still there. Also, when I look at the html output I notice that a load of tags have been added to the js loaded onto the page for the code from file “class-affiliates-graph-renderer.php”.

    Any help would be useful. Thanks,


    1. I’ve just checked with the test account using FF and Chrome, the graphs seem to be working fine now. The styling looks a bit odd on the legend, but I suppose you’ll be adjusting these.

      1. Yes, I did have an issue but managed to solve it by chaging the followign on line 114 of class-affiliates-graph-renderer.php:

        $(‘<div id="-tooltip”>’ + contents + ”).css( {


        $(“#-tooltip”).css( {

        The tags were conflicting with wpautop for some reason and having tags added around them.

        Thanks again!

        1. Ahhh the beloved wpautop 🙂 It might be a good idea to put this in a separate script so you don’t have to remember to change it when there are updates.

          Thanks for using the plugin, good to see it put to good use and your work on customizing it for the site is really great!

  2. miha.brkinjac Avatar

    I encountered the same problem. I tried to disable all active plugins and change active theme with Twenty Eleven, but the problem persist. It’s really strange because there is container where graph should be displayed, but there is nothing but blank white space.
    What could be the solution?


    1. It might be because there is no data to be displayed yet? Or can you share a link to the site please to have a look?

      1. miha.brkinjac Avatar

        suddenly graphs started to work well. But this stands for basic graph shortcode [affiliates_affiliate_graph]. Others, like [affiliates_affiliate_graph interval="year"] and [affiliates_affiliate_graph interval="month"] don’t show up well. They display graph layout but there is no data on it.

        You can take a look here with test account:

        I have another question not related to graphs. Is there also a affiliate profile function to change or retrieve lost password? They can change first/last name and email but not password?

        Thanks a lot!

        1. antonio Avatar

          please send us test account by email to support at itthinx dot com ( comments system have edited your link)
          To change password users must use user profile, it’s not possible across affiliate profile.

  3. antonio Avatar

    There is a javascript error caused by incompatibility with other plugin or theme.
    You can locate this changing the theme and/or disable others plugins.

