Get agent data after refellar is done

I’ve read on the documentation the possibility to get the agent ID after a refellar is correctly created, but i want to ask if whit that ID or in some other way i can acces the agent data of the reffellar e.g Email, username, agent link etc.


One response to “Get agent data after refellar is done”

  1. Hi Giovanni,

    You should add the following tokens in the notifications for Administrators for new referrals under Affiliates > Notifications, under Administrator tab:
    [affiliate_id] : The referring affiliate’s ID.
    [affiliate_email] : The referring affiliate’s email address.
    [affiliate_name] : The referring affiliate’s name.

    These will be rendered in the notifications sent to admins upon a new referral. The admin can also see that info under Affiliates > Referrals if you choose to expand details and data. Also the user agent can be found under Affiliates > Affiliates & Referrals if you choose to Expand hits.

    Kind regards,
