Frontend menus

Hi, I would like to know how does the plugin manage the display of front-end menus.

Question 1) Lets say that I have a post A with capability ‘alfred’. Does that mean that it`s menu item will be automatically assigned that capability and become visible only to users with that capability? So all other users will immediately stop seeing that menu item?

Question 2) Now I assign capability B to a taxonomy term ‘blue’, and then relate previous post A with the taxomony term ‘blue’.
Does this means that users/groups with both capabilities ‘blue’ AND ‘alfred’ will be the only ones seeing the menu, or would it be visible to any user with ‘blue’ OR ‘alfred’.

I have some weird behaviour with menus and I want to know where the issue comes from.



3 responses to “Frontend menus”

  1. Jaime Avatar

    Perfect. Thanks for the reply!

    BTW I would like to upgrade server to PHP 7. May I have any issues with the upgrade and Groups?

    1. antonio Avatar

      You should not have it.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Jaime,
    1.- Exactly, only the users in ‘alfred’ group can see this menu item.
    2.- Groups restrict Categories doesn’t filter the menu items. So only users in ‘alfred’ can see the menu item. But to see the post content, you need to be in ‘alfred’ AND ‘blue’ groups.
    You can use the Menu Item Visibility Control plugin using code like this: current_user_can(‘your_capability’);
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
