Forum & Group question

Hello, I am having some trouble in a few simple tasks, hope you can help me.

1) I created a few forums. So far I can see Forums page, and Submit a Topic page, but if I click on a forum link, it does not show the topics in there.

2) I want a group of user have the ability to see all available Groups, and click to view the members in that group, Click to join the group, and see all the files in this group. I don’t know how to accomplish these.

Thanks so much!

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9 responses to “Forum & Group question”

  1. Following up on this matter, you need to add these template files inside your child theme ( so that you will keep the files intact after an update ).

    Alternatively, unzip the file I’ve just sent you to your child theme’s folder.

    These template files will be used for displaying the forum archives properly and if necessary you can modify the styling accordingly as you wish. For these templates I used the single.php and archive.php templates provided by Astra theme.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi Sean,

    Thanks for sending the credentials to your Dashboard. As it seems after some tests the issue with the forum archive appearing empty is related to the templates. I’ll prepare a set of customised templates for Astra theme so that you can use them and render properly the contents of the forum.
    Once these are prepared I’ll let you know.

    Kind regards,

  3. Hi Sean,

    Thanks for the follow-up but I haven’t received a login notification from your site. As a matter of fact, I tried to also reset the password, but again no mail came in. I’ve only got the email sent from you regarding the issue with the links to your site and forums archive.

    Can you please check it once more?

    Kind regards,

  4. Sure you may provide temp admin access to a staging clone, since it’s better to avoid interfering with the normal operations of your live site. You may send temp admin access to george at itthinx dot com, mentioning the topic title in the subject and also enable WP Debugging.

    Kind regards,

    1. Sean Peng Avatar
      Sean Peng

      Just sent you account login notification and a separate email explaining the issue. Thanks so much!

  5. Do you get an HTTP error when visiting this archive page? Something like a Not Found or Not Allowed to view this page?

    1. Sean Peng Avatar
      Sean Peng

      No error message. Just blank page with the forum name on top. It’s urgent. Could you please assist? Can I send you the login? We are planning to launch this week now we cannot. Thanks!

  6. Sean Peng Avatar
    Sean Peng

    I did that, and it still does not work. I have one topic on Book Club forum, and when i click on that forum, the page is empty.

  7. Hi Sean,

    Welcome to our support forum and many thanks for using our tools on your site.

    Regarding your questions related to Groups Forums, please go to your Dashboard and visit Settings > Permalinks. You don’t need to change anything, but only click on Save Changes to re-create the permalink structure.

    As for groups management, please go to Groups > Options and have a look at Permissions section. You can assign such privileges to various roles but only administrators are recommended, to avoid any security risks. Further information on this section can be found in the documentation page for Groups options.

    Kind regards,
