Fixed affiliate amount per product

I wokr with teh Affiliate Enterprise and the Affilitae Product as well as with the ACM Products Amount. What is the szenario:

We have different products from different producers, that will be sold from different affiliates: For example

Product 1: 100 Euro
Producer 1 will get 50 Euro
Affiliate 1 will get 25 Euro
Affiliate 2 will also get 25 Euro

Product 2: 300 Euro
Producer 2 will get 150 Euro
Affiliate 1: 50 Euro
Affiliate 3: 30 Euro

Product 3: 25 Euro
Producer 3 will get 5 Euro
Affiliate 1: 15 Euro

You see, it will be different for every product. The oommission for the producer of the product will be calculated via the Affiliate products plugin. That works fine. But how can we handle the other aspect: Is it possible to define fixed amounts for up to 6 affiliates for every single product, whereby every product is different in its commissions?

Thanks a lot in advance.


3 responses to “Fixed affiliate amount per product”

  1. Andreas Avatar

    Hi Antonio,

    thanks. Just another question in this context. How can I put fixed amounts in den Affiliate product table? I installed the ACM products amount plugin, but I just can put in rates in this table.


    1. antonio Avatar

      with this plugin, the value set as default rate, and every product edit page is used as amount instead of rate.
      But if you are using Affiliates Products plugin, I think it doesn’t work fine (I’m not sure).

  2. antonio Avatar

    For this particular case you’d need to create your own method.
    You can use ACM Product Amount as reference and the API.
