Field Reference exports empty report

Good night,

When I export the report does not appear the references in your field … is empty …. why?

In all fields appear filled normally. This only happens in the Reference field …. I need to fix urgently.

Márcio Gama

Posted in


7 responses to “Field Reference exports empty report”

  1. LEANDRO Avatar

    In that case , is there any way that the report export is shown the customer name sales thus acquired afilliates just to pay for the commissioning of the partners and make the conference of its sales , and that it is not looking manual request request , customer name need …

    Thank you very much .

    CEO & Co -founder at CertIPE Digital Certificate

    1. antonio Avatar

      maybe this plugin can help you. If you need to customize the exported data, you need to edit the class-affiliatesexport.php, ‘generate’ function.
      Remember that from Affiliates->Totals you can generate another report that can help you too.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. LEANDRO Avatar

    Good morning, Antonio.
    The manual included in the ” reference” already functioned normally.
    The question is why is not automatically functioning filling this field at the time of sale ?

    Thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      That’s true,
      the order id is saved in the ‘Description’ field.
      Right now the reference field is not used automatically from the Woocommerce integration.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. LEANDRO Avatar

    Hi Antonio.
    Follow link in the e-commerce, and administrator login password.
    Let me know how to access or when finished.

    Login: [edited]
    password: [edited]

    Thank you,

    1. antonio Avatar

      Thanks Leandro,
      I have edited the referral 17, adding a Reference text. If you export the referrals you can see this Reference data on the second column.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. antonio Avatar

    Hi Leandro,
    ‘Reference’ field should be added to the export file.
    If you want, you can send me dashboard admin access to antonio at itthinx dot com and I’ll have a look at your settings.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
