fatal error when viewing Affiliate profile.


We are seeing a fatal error when viewing affiliate profile page I have put together for our affiliates.

This is just an inquiry , seeking an explanation or pointer to what could be a reason.

Here is the message:

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Invalid order. in /homepages/34/d682709062/htdocs/snac/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/data-stores/abstract-wc-order-data-store-cpt.php:86 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/34/d682709062/htdocs/snac/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-data-store.php(143): Abstract_WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT->read(Object(WC_Order)) #1 /homepages/34/d682709062/htdocs/snac/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-order.php(109): WC_Data_Store->read(Object(WC_Order)) #2 /homepages/34/d682709062/htdocs/snac/wp-content/plugins/affiliates-woocommerce-views-master/affiliates-woocommerce-views.php(99): WC_Abstract_Order->__construct(‘244’) #3 /homepages/34/d682709062/htdocs/snac/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(345): Affiliates_WooCommerce_Views::affiliates_woocommerce_orders(”, ”, ‘affiliates_wooc…’) #4 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #5 /homepages/34/d682709062/htdocs/snac/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(223): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(affili…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’ in /homepages/34/d682709062/htdocs/snac/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/data-stores/abstract-wc-order-data-store-cpt.php on line 86

— end of message.

It occurs as i am attempting to show affiliates_ woo commerce orders.

Please advise.



5 responses to “fatal error when viewing Affiliate profile.”

  1. Thanks for the fix. It resolved the issue.


  2. i looked up post id 244, found that is not an order ( purchase ). It is affiliate registration which are referrals by the OR ( id 8 ). The fatal error is occurring to the OR viewing his affiliate profile page. On that page I look for woo commerce orders for the OR.

    So, when using the shortcode [affiliates_woocommerce_orders] it tries to lookup order 244 and it should skip it as it is not an order.

    Here is the aff_referrals table entry for post id 244: Hope you can make it out id: 13 and 14.

    13 8 NULL 244 2017-05-29 01:52:16 User Registration drinkprodovite 1264313995 NULL 0 NULL NULL a:5:{s:10:”user_login”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:8:”Username”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;s:14:”drinkprodovite”;}s:10:”user_email”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:5:”Email”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;s:24:”WAS Email”;}s:10:”first_name”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:10:”First Name”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;s:5:”Scott”;}s:9:”last_name”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:9:”Last Name”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;s:10:”Vandervort”;}s:11:”base_amount”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:11:”Base Amount”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;N;}} accepted user NULL 16
    14 8 NULL 244 2017-05-30 04:14:07 User Registration NewMoon 2920741662 NULL 0 0.3 USD a:5:{s:10:”user_login”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:8:”Username”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;s:7:”NewMoon”;}s:10:”user_email”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:5:”Email”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;s:21:”WASEmail”;}s:10:”first_name”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:10:”First Name”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;s:14:”Hilal-Pa’lette”;}s:9:”last_name”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:9:”Last Name”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;s:10:”Abdul-HAQQ”;}s:11:”base_amount”;a:3:{s:5:”title”;s:11:”Base Amount”;s:6:”domain”;s:10:”affiliates”;s:5:”value”;N;}} accepted user NULL 41

    Other post I have there is for Actual Orders and order number shown in the description field..

    These 2 affiliates are referred by #8.

    Is there a issue with the affiliates install on my site?

    Looking forward to your reply.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Thanks Sudd,
      Please try to download this pre-1.1.0 version. Should fix this issue.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. Thanks Antonio. I checked and no order 244.

    I will look into a check like you suggest.


  4. antonio Avatar

    Hi Sudd,
    It seems that the order 244 does not exist, can you check it?
    Maybe you have to add some check, something like:
    if ( $order->get_order( $order_id ) ) {

    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
