Export Affiliates

We have updated our website and the Affiliate plugin is not allowing us to import the exported data from old website.

Please can you help us complete?

Many thanks

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9 responses to “Export Affiliates”

  1. Furthermore, even your first file could possibly do the trick as long as you use the supported file format, you remove the unnecessary columns and only keep those needed according to your Affiliates registration fields.
    All you need to keep in mind is the supported columns that Affiliates Import is expecting to read.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hey Max,

    Thanks I received this second file too.
    Please go once more to Affiliates > Manage Affiliates and then choose the necessary Columns to show by selecting the appropriate options right above the results and then export. This Export feature supports a variety of export data but for the import you don’t need all of them, only those used in registration.

    As for the Affiliates Import you need to have those columns as the fields used in the Affiliates > Settings > Registration. If you are using a different column declaration, also make sure to have a look at how to declare them on top of your file. Reference can be found here: https://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates-import/.

    Kind regards,

  3. Hi Max,

    Thanks for sharing the export file with me.
    Checking at the contents of this file, it looks to me as the Users table dump which has a lot of columns not necessary to Affiliates plugin. Perhaps you should contact your developer and confirm where the file comes from. If this is indeed the Users table then you should check for a tool to import your users. Otherwise, you should check once more the Affiliates Import documentation for the appropriate file format, column declaration and data needed for that file.

    Kind regards,

    1. Max Menditta Avatar
      Max Menditta

      Hi George,

      My mistake, I sent you an incorrect file. I have now, just sent you the correct affiliates pro export file direct to your email…..

      Best, Max

  4. Hi Max,

    That’s true the process is between two of our own plugins, but the data is specific to your site.
    Can you please provide a copy of the export file you used for this import? You may send it to george at itthinx dot com, mentioning the topic title in the mail subject. I think it’s better for me to have a look at the export file and make a test import in my own installation.

    Kind regards,

  5. Max Menditta Avatar
    Max Menditta

    Hi there,

    Please see reply from my web developer –

    The file is created by your very own Export plugin, designed specifically for Affiliates Pro.

    The error may very well be self explanatory, the reason your own export plugin does not download in an importable way is not.

    Please give clear instructions on how to arrange the import file, so as we retain the information we have exported from Affiliates Pro

  6. Hey Max,

    All the errors you mentioned are pretty self-explanatory and perhaps you should check your import file once more. If for example you are trying to import an invalid email address then this should definitely fail.

    BTW, you can even run a Test import by enabling the first option in Affiliates Import and check the specified lines afterwards.

    Kind regards,

  7. Max Menditta Avatar
    Max Menditta

    Either had one of these errors when importing (back end import) –

    ‘error on line x is not a valid email address’

    ‘warning on line x the user name xx already exists”

    ‘error on line x missing email address”

    *WP debugging enabled

    Would send an image of error message (screenshot) but unable to upload this here….

    Hope all makes sense?

  8. Hi Max,

    Of course we can help you with your issue, but can you mention some more details?

    Did you get an error when trying to import either in the front- or the back-end? Was there anything logged in your debug.log during the import process? For the latter you obviously need to enable WP debugging.

    Kind regards,
