Export Affiliates CSV


Is there any way to export my affiliates to a CSV file?
I have the affiliates products too so it would be great also to export the products assigned to each affiliate.



11 responses to “Export Affiliates CSV”

  1. Chu Hui Avatar
    Chu Hui

    Hi ,Kento
    Could it possible you guys would modify a bit Affiliate pro plug-in for me ? If possible can you give me a quote!

    This is what i need:
    1) I would like to export a CSV or could send the list of the “closed” record after the affiliate is closed via email.This record listed is for my client to transfer money to the referrals (they didn’t use paypal ). This listed need show the user name ,user_id ,amount of should pay ,bank name and bank account ( in extra field)

    2) I have purchase a Affiliate users plug-in , so when the user sign-up to my site ,they are became the referrals automatically , and the registration form I’ve used the Register Redux Plus plug-in ,so that is it possible to use affiliate short code like affiliate_profile to do a editing or adding new field in the form?
    Can you help me to create a extra fields they can editable after they signing up .I would like to build a extra field for user to fill in the bank name and bank account fields.

    3) So the listed need to show the user name (from the wordpress )

    Thank you


    1. Hi, that will be covered by what we are going to add, it could be covering both affiliate attributes and user fields. I appreciate your request for a quote on that, but as it is going to be added anyhow there’s no need 🙂

  2. Chu Hui Avatar
    Chu Hui


    Im a Asia users,if it is possible can you export feature in a coming release for affiliate data to user name ,user id , extra filed (bank name and bank account ,because not popular to use Paypal in Asia ) amount should pay .

    Thank you


    1. Hi, thanks for the suggestion, yes this is going to be added.

  3. maiky15 Avatar

    Hi Kento,

    Export the product details, at least SKU, will save us a lot work, we would know the percentages to pay because each product has a different commission… 🙁

    When do you expect that we can have what we need?

    Thank you very much for your service.


    1. Aren’t you rather looking for the information that is provided in the Affiliates > Totals section then?

      1. maiky15 Avatar

        yeah right!, but we manage everything through dashboards in excel…

        Thanks a lot,

        1. Then it would be appropriate to use the file that is generated there.

  4. maiky15 Avatar

    Hi kento,

    Sorry for the wait, I’ve been organizing exactly what we like.

    Please take a look to the rar file, there is a capture in where we think must be the export to excel button, after each query.

    I also include in the rar file an excel with the fields in columns, maybe with this you can understand it better.


    Tell me something about this please.

    very grateful,

    1. Thanks for that, it’s quite similar to what will be included with the exception of the included product data – although that should be possible when the integration-specific data fields are included as well.

      Meanwhile Affiliates Export is available in the Downloads section which provides summarized data per affiliate. I hope you will find it useful meanwhile, it isn’t the same format as it includes sums per affiliate, but you could modify or extend it.

  5. I was going to suggest to do an export via the database but as you mention products related to affiliates it would not be sufficient.

    Could you please detail what exact data you would like to export? We will be including an export feature in a coming release for affiliate data, but I’d be interested to know what you would require.
