Exclude Groups from Notification Emails

Hi! I was wondering if there was a way to exclude a certain group from triggering the notification email?

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11 responses to “Exclude Groups from Notification Emails”

  1. That’s great!

  2. I see, will do that then. I would have never considered there were two plugins that do the same thing, that’s why I completely overread your question. Sorry about that, I’ll use Emails with the new exclusions. Thanks!

  3. Sure you can switch to Groups Emails.
    That’s why i asked in my first comment which extension you are using, to avoid misunderstandings. 🙂
    If still you got questions, please feel free to ask again.


  4. Side note, feel free to delete:
    This whole itthinx/Groups/eggemplo presentation is a big confusing mess. If Groups wasn’t as good as it is, I wouldn’t bother in a lifetime.

    The potential of Groups is HUGE, yet its name alone sets it up for failure. (Ever tried googling something Groups related? It’s so dumb. )

    Groups could be very, very successful but it doesn’t get recognized properly, due to unfortunate marketing decisions.

    I wish only the best for you guys, your work is remarkable but PLEASE clean this mess up ;o)

    1. You are absolutely right about that.

      Since we are committed to improving our services, we can’t overlook cases like this one and censor your valuable feedback.

      There is a lot of background work underway regarding future versions of Groups plugin because of its huge potential, but i should keep my cards to my chest at the moment. 🙂

      Thanks once more for enjoying our plugins and for providing constructive feedback.

      1. You’re most welcome and I’m thrilled to hear the pot is cooking! ;o)

  5. It says in the title Notifications, this is obviously a different plugin. I wasn’t aware there were two plugins that did the same thing. That doesn’t make an awful lot of sense to an outside party.

    Can I just switch over to Groups emails then?

  6. Hi Sian,

    The plugin has been updated, you download the zip file here.
    After installing, you can exclude groups from notifications when a user is added, with the following snippet.

    add_filter( 'groups_emails_added_user_excluded_groups', 'example_groups_emails_added_user_excluded_groups' );
    function example_groups_emails_added_user_excluded_groups ( $excluded_groups ) {
    $excluded_groups = array( 1, 2, 3, 4 );

    return $excluded_groups;

    The snippet will exclude groups with IDs 1, 2, 3, 4 from notifications whenever a user is added.
    You should copy/paste it in your functions.php file of your active theme, preferably a child theme in order to keep your modifications upon a theme update.

    If you need further info on how to use the snippet or the notifications addon, please contact me here.

    Kind regards,

  7. Hi Sian,

    That’s why i suggested you to push to the repository, so that everyone can see the modifications.
    A hook was exactly what i was thinking of, so i will implement it and once Antonio accepts the changes, i will let you know to download and install the plugin.

    Kind regards,

  8. Ideally, we would have an input field so put the ID’s comma separated or something we could hook into? Editing plugin files means we would have to do it again after every update, right?

  9. Hi Sian,

    Which extension do you use for notifications?
    If it is Groups Emails, then you need to modify the code and add a conditional check for specific groups to be excluded from notifications. If you are familiar with PHP you can clone the repository i mentioned above and suggest a modification, otherwise let me know and i will do the modification for you.

    Kind regards,
