Error when trying to install integrations like woocommerce

Hi, I recently purchased Affiliates Pro, but I’m getting an error message every time I click “install” on any integration.

Can I get the zip file to install WooCommerce, PayPal, AddtoAny and PayperClick, please?


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2 responses to “Error when trying to install integrations like woocommerce”

  1. Can you please indicate another email address because the address tit****@*** bounces.


  2. Hi soyops,

    Sure, I will send you the integrations by email, to the address used on checkout. Make sure you have installed Itthinx Updates plugin and have entered your license key.
    Please note that Affiliates PayPal is not intended to be used for e-commerce systems that provide their own PayPal Payments Standard gateway, like WooCommerce.

    Kind regards,
