ERROR: Please complete all required fields first.

On Version 2.6.0, I generated the affiliate-area page.

When I type in the Register information below: First name, last name, User name, email & website, and press submit, I receive the error in this subject line.

Any thoughts why?

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9 responses to “ERROR: Please complete all required fields first.”

  1. Tamra Avatar

    That might very well be true that they are not compatible, but not a great answer because you are forcing me to choose rather than solving the problem. Yuck. Let me help you out.

    So I chased “plugins conflict” and discovered a cool little program which lets me turn off certain plugins Per Page like “afilliates-area” which uses a recaptcha.

    Although sorta cryptic to begin with, it worked great. Now I don’t have to chase a replacement program for User Profiles Made Easy.

    BTW, the program is called Plugin Organizer

    1. antonio Avatar

      oh, thank you very much, great contribution !!

  2. Tamra Avatar

    I disabled the UPME user profile and yes, that did allow your affiliate signup to work without the error message. Now I need to know, is this an issue with you or User Profile Made Easy? And what will they say when you point me over to them?

    1. It’s not an issue with either of the plugins but rather that both together aren’t compatible.

  3. Tamra Avatar

    I checked and yes, there was a captcha there, so I set it to None, saved it and tried again. No help. What else in your magic bag Mr. Wizard? Thanks for your assistance.

    1. antonio Avatar

      🙂 you could try to disable the UPME User Profile plugin.

  4. Tamra Avatar

    Ok, I installed the Affiliates Recapta, still the same problem (I thought that your installation would override any other, but “conflict” is self-explanatory :-).

    How the heck did you even FIND another recaptcha? I’m not consciously using it in the obvious places: Akismet, Contact form 7, VCita. I don’t know where else to look.


    1. antonio Avatar

      It seems a conflict with User Profile Made Easy. In Settings->UPME User Profile try to set Captcha Plugin to none.

  5. antonio Avatar

    It seems a conflict with a captcha plugin. You could use Affiliates Recaptcha.
