ERROR : Not a subscription.

Shortcode I use [groups_paypal_subscription]

Output I get by the user kottmann’s dashboard: ERROR : Not a subscription.

DB Details:
ID 55
User kottmann
Processor paypal
Reference I-6BWAE73WR7JT
Status active
Dates From 2019-01-17 18:15:08
Last payment 2019-01-17 18:17:28

Posted in


4 responses to “ERROR : Not a subscription.”

  1. That’s great, I’m glad you resolved it.


  2. blueforce Avatar

    you missunderstand me
    I want show a active subs not a new one… but It’s now soved.
    I’ve found the shortcode: [groups_subscriptions_table]

  3. blueforce Avatar

    ok so far so good. i thought i’d make a summary site for the users that they see what subs they have
    but that case won’t work…

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for reaching support.

    This error occurs when the subscription shortcode is placed in a post that is not a subscription post. In such cases you should also define the subscription id with an attribute like the example:
    [groups_paypal_subscription id=”x”]
    where x should be the subscription id and can be obtained through your Dashboard under Subscriptions > All Subscriptions if you hover the desired subscription title as demonstrated in the screenshot,
    Please try this suggestion and let me know if it worked for you.

    For further details I would also recommend you to check the documentation page:

    Kind regards,
