Enterprise + Permanent + Woocommerce Coupons

My affiliate program is setup with 2 levels using the Enterprise Tier system. Each affiliate is given their own coupon code to make referrals. When a new customer uses that coupon code, they are added as a permanent referral. This is shown in the main wp user profile.

The referral is not being added to the Manage affiliates section when we setup the Coupon code for the referral. We have to add the referral manually. This is to get the person to show up when we display the Tiers shortcode.

The second tier referrals are not being displayed.

Please Help.



3 responses to “Enterprise + Permanent + Woocommerce Coupons”

  1. corelove Avatar

    The coupon and the permanent referral is working fine.

    The problem is that the affiliate is not being added to the affiliates downline. In the Manage Affiliate section, the referring affiliate information is not being added. I have to add this manually.

    1. Do you mean when someone uses the coupon? The thing is that unless they have actually been referred, they won’t be added to the affiliate’s downline because the affiliate registration is different from placing an order.

  2. Thanks for the details and access, viewing Affiliates > Tiers, you only have one level set up. This means that the original referrer is credited with a referral and the affiliate who referred that one, but not beyond a second level.


    Affiliate A wasn’t referred by any other affiliate.
    Affiliate B was referred by Affiliate A.

    When Affiliate B is granted a referral, so is Affiliate A at your chosen rate for Level 1.

    Regarding the coupon code, have you assigned it to the corresponding affiliate? See Coupons in the documentation please on how this is done.
