End of licence key and new post hide


I use since one year the plugin Groups and Groups Restrict Categories.
Now my licence for update is finish (after one year), but is it normal that if I creat a new post, my new post become invisble in backend and frontend ? (I can see the post in the database)

When I deasable the both plugin Groups and Groups Restrict Categories, I can see again my new posts…

I thinked that the licence after one year will stop just the update, not all the restriction group system.

Can you help me to understand ?

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One response to “End of licence key and new post hide”

  1. Denitsa Avatar

    Hello, Nathan,
    Many apologies for the late reply, I lot of work piled on over the holidays and managed to bury this thread.
    Did renewing your order solve the issue? I would suggest a plugin update in the first place, since constant changes are made with every new WordPress version and we have to update our plugins accordingly – that’s why an older plugin version might unexpectedly stop functioning.
