Embed affiliate code for another website

Hi, I have affiliates pro as I have an affiliate linked to my website. I want however to link another website I own to a there website where I’m the affiliate earning commission. Does anyone know, can affiliate pro do this, and if so, how, or else which product will. I have the code to embed. I just can’t see where to put it. Thanks for any help
By the way, I’m a beginner so don’t understand complicated things to do with websites yet:)

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4 responses to “Embed affiliate code for another website”

  1. You are welcome Yvonne. 🙂

  2. Hi, found out where – that I just exchange the link to the other website for the code I have. Thanks again for your help

  3. Yvonne Avatar

    Hi George, thanks so much for your reply. My website is going to be an affiliate for another and they’ve given me the code to embed, I’m just not sure where to put it, or if I need a plugin or anything. I’m still not sure where I embed the code.

  4. George Avatar

    Hi Yvonne,

    If you are an affiliate on the other website and want to promote your affiliate link, you can use various ways to promote it depending on the code you have. You can add it to a page or post, or you can find ways to include it in your content if you add posts on a regular basis.

    Kind regards,
