Email Notifications

How do I edit the content of the email that gets sent to a new affiliate when they sign up?
I want to create a custom email to be sent to them. With stuff like “Welcome to the affiliate program” ” We are reviewing your application and will be in touch soon” etc. etc.
The best solution would be to have a template edit like the one in woocommerce.
Ideally we would like to use the same or similar form to the ones we are using in Mail Chimp and Woocommerce with headers and footers and logo images etc.
All in the name of consistent branding.

At the very least where can we edit and add text to the message?


21 responses to “Email Notifications”

  1. This is now available, details are on the Notifications documentation page.

  2. Hi Kento,

    I inserted the code into function.php and it works, but it sends the email to my sites admin account. Not the new affiliate. How to I fix this? Is it better to use the following?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Affiliates registration send the wordpress registration email. You can customize this with SB Welcome Email editor.
      But if you need to send an extra email indicating that the user is now an affiliate, you can use Affiliates Welcome Email.

  3. Phillip Avatar

    Thanks Kento,
    Do I put this into my functions.php?

    1. antonio Avatar

      if you put @kento code in your function.php file, it should work.

  4. Hi Phillip,

    There are at least two options, one would be to use the following filters ( <- link to their documentation page): affiliates_new_affiliate_registration_subject



    function my_affiliates_new_affiliate_registration_message( $message ) {
    return 'Thanks for joining our Affiliate Program!';
    add_filter( 'affiliates_new_affiliate_registration_message', 'my_affiliates_new_affiliate_registration_message' );

    Another would be to use Affiliates Gravity Forms – note that this option requires a Gravity Forms Developer License as it requires the User Registration Add-On.

    1. Phillip Avatar

      How do I include their user name and password in the email message?

      1. antonio Avatar

        this code can help you (I haven’t tested):

        $affiliate_id = Affiliates_Service::get_referrer_id();
        if ( $user_id = affiliates_get_affiliate_user( $affiliate_id ) ) {
        if ( $user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id ) ) {
        echo $user->name;

        I think the password can’t be showed for security reasons.

        1. Phillip Avatar

          By default, when a user joins the affiliate program they are sent an email. The email includes their username and the system generated password, and the url to /wp-login.php

          I want to edit this email?? Because it has nothing else in it, no ‘welcome’, nothing at all professional and welcoming!?

          1. antonio Avatar

            with SB Welcome Email editor plugin you can do it.

          2. I think we should actually add a feature that allows to do this from within the notifications section. Although we already have customizable notifications for referrals, we should also provide a more direct way to edit the email that is sent to new affiliates. I’ll try to make it possible to include this in the next update, it’s way easier if you can just edit the email content that new affiliates receive through the user interface instead of having to install another plugin for that.

          3. Phillip Avatar

            Thank you very much @Kento, that is exactly what I would like to see. Do you have any idea when that might happen?

            Kind Regards,

            1. Hi Phil,

              We’re currently preparing the next release which has this added, if tests conclude it will be within the week 🙂


              1. Phillip Avatar

                Hi Kento,
                Any idea when this will be ready yet?


                1. Hi Phil, we’re about to release it, it took longer than expected but we managed to put in quite a few extras 😉

        2. Phillip Avatar

          Awesome Kento, thanks.

    2. Phillip Avatar

      I added the above to my functions.php and now the email doesn’t go at all?
      Which php file contains the script that generates the default registration email to the new registrant?


      1. antonio Avatar

        maybe there is a code error?
        Affiliates uses the wordpress registration system, so is not recommended to modify the code.
        Affiliates Welcome Email can help you.

    3. Phillip Avatar

      Can you please please tell me how to configure a reasonable affiliate registration notification email, the default sent to the user is just not what we want. also please please have the ability to customize all sent public content from within the plugin (like in woocommerce would be a good start).

      1. Hi Philip,

        You have this available under Affiliates > Notifications.


        1. Phillip Avatar

          Sorry kento, but I want to edit the message that gets sent to the user when they first sign up as an affiliate. I do not see this anywhere in the “Affiliates > Notifications” section?
