Email Notification

The email notifications that go to users/admin are beyond vague. How do we customize so this gets sent along with you have a referral message and what file is it?

what product the referred user bought
how much the referral is in commission $$
email address of who bought
any way to add what country they are in?


5 responses to “Email Notification”

  1. Okay, sorry about that. I figured it out. You have to go to wordpress dashboard AFFILIATES > NOTIFICATIONS

    1. Hi,
      Exactly, you can add this extra tokens to notifications.

  2. Where do we add this code?????



  3. I added the extra tokens plugin.

    Can you please give me the code here and instructions for the next step?

    Give us code please.

  4. antonio Avatar

    you can use default tokens to customize the email. If you need add more information you can use Affiliates Extra Tokens (in this plugin you can see how to use “affiliates_notifications_tokens” filter to add more tokens).

