Downloads are 0kb

Some, not all, files are coming down as 0kb.

this particular file is an exe over 100 mb. other exe files around 60mb download without issue.

i’ve tried re-uploading the file and completely deleting it from files and re-adding it.


13 responses to “Downloads are 0kb”

  1. George Avatar


  2. George Avatar

    Hey Rodd,

    Thanks for the follow-up.
    In case the files has additional entries in this timestamp, then you are welcome to share the whole file.
    Can you please raise your PHP memory and then try again to download this file?
    FYI, you can do this as described here:
    only make sure to use a higher value than the current.

    Kind regards,

    1. Rodd Kennedy Avatar
      Rodd Kennedy

      PHP was defined as 256M.

      You can close this off. I put the file on an FTP server as this is the only file.

  3. George Avatar

    Hey Rodd,

    I’m referring to the webserver logs, ie if your host is running Apache then you need to check the Apache logs and if not certain on their location, ask your hosting support for the location.
    As for the WP log, it is under the wp-content folder by default, a file called debug.log.

    Kind regards,

    1. Rodd Kennedy Avatar
      Rodd Kennedy

      Here is the error log from cPanel:

      [Tue Jun 04 15:01:59.958728 2024] [lsapi:error] [pid 918102:tid 23318273312512] [client] [host] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error: ob_end_flush(): Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in /home3/colleei7/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5420\n, referer:

  4. George Avatar

    Hey Rodd,

    Thanks for providing access to your server. So far I’ve been able to only upload files via FTP because when using the browser, the upload process always fails with a 503 error as shown below.
    As for the error, access logs of your webserver, where can I find them? The only folder named access-logs on your server is apparently restricted for my account.
    In the meantime, please make sure to also ask your host about this, because the file, its size and the link to it are all normal and there’s nothing logged related to Groups File Access on your debug.log file.

    Kind regards,

    1. Rodd Kennedy Avatar
      Rodd Kennedy

      I’m not sure where WordPress keeps it’s error logs, other than error_log in the root folder.

  5. George Avatar

    Hey Rodd,

    I think it would be better for us to have a look at your site and the hosting server. You may provide us with temporary admin access to the site Dashboard and the hosting server via perhaps FTP.
    You can share these credentials right in my personal email address, george at itthinx dot com.

    Kind regards,

  6. George Avatar

    Hey Rodd,

    I used your file on my test server as I mentioned earlier and had no issues uploading/downloading or viewing the file size. FYI, also made a short screen-share with my attempts which you can find here:
    Something must be going wrong on your hosting server. Did you notice anything unusual in your webserver’s access and error logs? To make this easier, after locating your logs, try to download the file once more and then check the logs for this specific timestamp when you tried to download it. I think you should find something useful about this request.

    Kind regards,

    1. Rodd Kennedy Avatar
      Rodd Kennedy

      No, there was nothing in the error log.

      Browser DEV tools had status 200 in network log.

  7. George Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the file Rodd,

    I’ll give it a try on my test server and let you know.


  8. Rodd Kennedy Avatar
    Rodd Kennedy

    This is the only file of that size. All other EXE files download without issue.

    Yes, it appears in the Overview and has the correct file size.

    I re-uploaded the file to confirm that it’s not corrupt. I also check via FTP and the file is correct. I can download via FTP and it works.

    I have put the file here, so you can access it publicly: https://*****

    *removed link to file

  9. George Avatar

    Hey Rodd,

    Welcome back to our support channel.

    Did you notice a similar result with other files of the same size? Is it possible that this specific file is corrupt or invalid?
    Also, after uploading this file, can you find it in your files overview? This is located in Groups > Files. Does the size appear as 0 in the overview or also in its physical location in your server? The file location should be under wp-content/uploads/groups-file-access.
    If this is possible you may share such a file with us, so that we can run some tests locally.

    Kind regards,
