Downloading large files fails

We are using this plugin (ver. 1.6.1) for many years now, without any problems with PHP 7.0 and WordPress 5.7. Now we are moving to a containerized setup with Bitnamis wordpress container (right now with PHP 7.4 and WordPress 5.8.3). Now we have that problem that large files above approx. 128 MB are failing, smaler files still work. Even with the plugin version 2.0.0, there ist no success. Do you have any ideas?


3 responses to “Downloading large files fails”

  1. George Avatar

    Hey Thomas,

    I’m really happy that you resolved your issue and many thanks for sharing the details with us. I need to keep a note on your findings and further check this situation in case someone else faces something similar in the future. Many thanks for your follow-up.

    Kind regards,

  2. Thomas Loibl Avatar
    Thomas Loibl

    Hi George,
    the problem was, that we couldn’t find any meaningful error message in the logs. But we found the problem. The Bitnami wordpress image offers to use the W3 Total Cache plugin, what we configured to use —> bad idea. It seems that the plugin wants to cache the whole file which is not possible with a kubernetes request limit below the file size ;-). Disabling the W3 Total Cache plugin solved our problem.
    Kind regards,

  3. Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for using our plugin to serve your files, I’m pretty happy to find out that you are using Groups File Access without issues for a long time.

    The issue you get obviously depends on the error you get when trying to download such a “large file”. Judging by your description the most possible reason would be a timeout which can be easily fixed by modifying the php.ini settings, but this is just an idea and you should proceed according to the information you get from your logs when trying to access those files.
    Please check your logs and share your findings with us, this might also help other users who choose to use containerized WordPress installations with GFA.

    Kind regards,
