
I was unable to find specific documentation for the Products plugin and the Woo Commerce plugin – trying to see if I’m missing a setting somewhere –

I’m using the WooCommerce Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Product pro plugin, so when a product is purchased the credit goes to a specific affiliate as assigned in Affiliate Products > Woo Commerce

When order’s are added manually via Woo Commerce “Add Order”, the commissions are not being added/recorded. They are not showing at all.

Do product commissions get added when orders are added manually?



3 responses to “Documentation”

  1. nardihifi Avatar

    I just manually added the commission under Affiliates > Referrals. If I manually change the status from processing to complete that does not work.

    Most orders are not added manually.

    thanks for your reply

    1. antonio Avatar

      if you add manually a referral, you can add a description to relate with a Order, but they aren’t associated. So you have to change status manually.

  2. The commissions are recorded when an order is created through the checkout process, it doesn’t apply to manually created orders.

    If it’s something you need to be able to use the plugin, it can be added though. In that case, I would suggest the commissions are added when the order’s status is changed to ‘processing’ or ‘completed’. Would that work for you?
