Display referral information and form data on affiliate dashboard

Hi, I would like to be able to display all the referral information and form data from Gravity forms on the affiliate dashboard.

Basically the same information that I can see on the backend.

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5 responses to “Display referral information and form data on affiliate dashboard”

  1. Hi Josh,

    I’ve just sent you a modified template to the email address you used here during checkout. FYI, the file should be placed in -preferably- your child theme folder under affiliates/dashboard.

    Kind regards,


  2. Hi Josh,

    As I mentioned in order to modify the template you need to have working knowledge of PHP so let me create an example template you can use for your project and I’ll sent it over to you.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hin Leong Lee Avatar
      Hin Leong Lee

      Hi George, I have this same request. I would like to show my form data text field on the referral “item” column as for now, users are not able to see which referral is it for.

  3. Josh Norris Avatar
    Josh Norris

    Hi George,

    Thanks for your help. I have the template file copied into my theme but can you tell me where exactly in the function the changes need to be made so all referral information and form data will display on the dashboard?

  4. Hi Josh,

    Many thanks for using our affiliates system.

    FYI, Affiliates Dashboard is based on templates and you can easily override them and modify the displayed information as described in our documentation. This modifications require you to have working PHP knowledge but once you copy referrals-entry.php template in your theme, you can freely use the available $entry->data and display the desired information in the last column.
    For further assistance you may add a comment here.

    Kind regards,
