Display Current Affiliate Code


We’d like to display the current affiliate code in the footer of our site. I saw this article:

Shortcode to display the name of the affiliate in a line of text

but when I add the shortcode [aff-show-attributes show_name=”true” /] it isn’t firing.

(I’ve already activated the ability to run shortcodes in the widget area.)



7 responses to “Display Current Affiliate Code”

  1. It’s working now, thank for pointing out the correct shortcode.

  2. Also, please have a look at [referrer_user] shortcode because the previous user works for logged-in users.


  3. Hi David,

    Did you change your theme?
    Also, can you disable the popup window?


  4. Well, it was working but now it looks like it’s not for some reason.

    Check out this link: http://inlight4vets.com/?affiliates=13

    The affiliate code should be displaying in the footer of the site. (Just reload the page to get rid of the modal box.)

  5. That’s great David! 🙂

  6. Thanks! That functions.php code combined with the previous shortcode did the trick.

  7. Hi David,

    Please follow the link here mentioned also on the other topic mentioned and copy paste the code for the shortcode to your functions.php file.

    Kind regards,
