Display Affiliate name in the customer area


My client would like to display the affiliate who was referenced for the order in the woocommerce customer area at the order level.

Is it possible to do this?

Many thanks.



3 responses to “Display Affiliate name in the customer area”

  1. Hi Vânia,

    Then you need to go through each order for this customer and get the affiliate id from your db referrals table where the post_id is the order id.

    Kind regards,

  2. Vânia Messiah Avatar
    Vânia Messiah

    Hi George,

    Thank you for your reply. I have the possibility to create a new tab in woocommerce customer area and add a shortcut to display what I want.

    Do you know if I can display the affiliate behind the orders using a shortcut ? And what would it be?

    Many thanks.


  3. Hi Vânia,

    Welcome back to our support channel.

    Such a feature can only be possible through a custom implementation. You need to use the existing endpoint for orders or add your own custom endpoint in the WC my-account template and the in its content, render information about the referred order and the affiliate involved in it.

    Alternatively you can modify the referrals-entry.php template and display the order id for the order that is involved in the referral.
    More information on how to override Affiliates Dashboard templates can be found in the plugin documentation:

    Kind regards,
