Directing Affiliate links to a specific product?

Hi, we are about to start our Affiliates Enterprise program on our new store and people are already asking if there is a way to direct the Affiliate links to specific products on our store. As I see it right now, there is one Affiliate link for each Affiliate, and it directs to our store home page. Is it possible to get the Affiliate links to direct to specific products, and/or do I need to get an add-on for that? Thanks in advance


One response to “Directing Affiliate links to a specific product?”

  1. Dimitris Bakalidis Avatar
    Dimitris Bakalidis


    Thank you for using Affiliates Enterprise.

    Affiliates can create affiliate links for your products in the affiliate overview area in their affiliate dashboard. At the bottom of the overview page, affiliates can paste any URL of your site and Affiliates Enterprise will create an affiliate link.

    Before you start, please install the Itthinx updates plugin and the WooCommerce Integration plugin. The integration plugin is required to record the commissions of referral sales.

    Kind Regards,
